Daily SharkFin_20220831: Up to 16% APY

芝麻开门2022-08-30 21:39:06
As of today, listed three Sharkfin products, the Daily BTC & USDT SharkFin and Daily ETH SharkFin. They are principal protected and offer users a guaranteed return of 1.5% - 16%. The subscription starts at 04:00 on August 30th, 2022 (UTC). We welcome you all to participate!

JOIN NOW Daily SharkFin_20220831: Up to 16% APY

How do Sharkfin products bring you a return?
During the observation period, if the price of the target asset stays within the per-specified price range, investors can earn a higher annualized return. At settlement, the closer the target asset prices are to the upper limit of the price range, the higher the annual return.

During the observation period, if the price of the target asset has gone beyond the price range, users can obtain a guaranteed return. If, at 4:00 UTC on the settlement day, the price is above or below the per-specified price range, the product will be settled at the minimum annualized rate of return. If the price always stays within the price range, the rate of return will be determined according to where the BTC/USDT/USDT perpetual contract price falls on at 4:00 UTC on the settlement day.

Users can go to the official website to experience a variety of new high-yield financial products. We will release new products every day. View more on Structured Financial Products . Daily SharkFin_20220831: Up to 16% APY is The World's Most Reliable Digital Asset Exchange since 2013 with a Top ranking, Trustworthy and Transparent.

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August 30th,2022


